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Autism is a lifelong neurological condition, a developmental disorder that typically occurs in the first three years of life. Autism appears as differences in development in three main areas: communication (verbal and non-verbal), social interactions and imagination, which can be seen in repetitive and restricted play or leisure activities. This is referred to as the triad of impairments.

         Autism is known as a ‘spectrum disorder’ because the severity of symptoms can range from a mild learning and social disability, to more complex needs with multiple difficulties and often very unusual behaviour. Autism results in qualitative impairments. This means that in a person with autism, skills are present (not absent) but do not develop age appropriately. Therefore different skills develop at a different pace in different people with autism.

         Autism is a unique disorder that requires specific and targeted intervention that is extremely challenging and different from other disorders such as Cerebral Palsy or Intellectual Disability.



The exact cause of Autism is still not known. The recent research indicates that it could be a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

Earlier myths that Autism is a mental illness or is caused by "bad parenting" have been proven false.

Unknown factors in the psychological environment of a child have shown to cause Autism.

      Another characteristic and perhaps the most confusing feature of autism is an uneven skill development. A neuro -typical child’s overall development at 4 years of age would be that of a 4 year old. A 4-year old child with autism however may have speech development like that of a 2-year, gross motor skills developed like an 8-year, fine motor skills of a 6-year, and self-help skills of a 3-year child. So a person may be able to do basic arithmetic but not speak; or may know the alphabet, numbers and nursery rhymes, but may not be able to ask for or tell his/her needs or desires. Because of all these characteristics, no two people on the autistic spectrum, look or behave the same.



Individuals with Autism can hear, see and feel but have sensory and information processing difficulties.

This distorts their ability to understand what their senses tell them. Hence, skills that a normal child picks up naturally have to be taught to persons with Autism.

There are no medical tests as yet for the diagnosis of Autism. Diagnosis is made on the basis of the  symptoms that are exhibited by the child.


  • Avoids eye contact.

  • Lacks creative pretend play.

  • Poor response to own name.

  • Copies words like a parrot (Echolalia).

  • Shows fear of or fascinations with certain sounds.

  • Shows fascinations with spinning objects

  • Shows one-sided interactions.

  • Shows pre occupation with one topic.

  • Laughs and giggles inappropriately.

  • Does not like variety.

  • Displays special abilities in Art, Music, Memory or Manual dexterity.

  • Poor social skills and peer interactions.

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