Diagnostic Clinic is run twice a week by Dr.C.A.Nagesh, Pediatrician and the children are diagnosed and screened for possible developmental disabilities.
Since most of the children have developmental and neurological concerns, this clinic provides the prime diagnosis. All the children treated here are appropriately referred to other paramedical units for appropriate assessments, interventions and rehabilitation. Dr. W Seetharam, provides services once a month and Dr. Sirisha provides diagnostic services here once a week.
Dr. D. Sirisha, Paedriatric Neurologist, has graciously volunteered to offer her services for the students. With her rich experience in London, her diagnosis and treatment are very refined and her follow-up of the cases is extra-ordinary. Our children are very lucky as their neurological problems are very well monitored and treated. She conducts the screening and diagnosis services once a week.
Children with cerebral palsy develop secondary complications like contractures and deformities as they grow due to the abnormal tone and other biomechanical factors related to posture and movement. Hence they may need orthopedic interventions for aiding them in mobility, seating and better positioning and for better management. Dr. Sunil, consultant, orthopedic surgeon visits once a week to evaluate, suggest further treatment plan and surgical interventions to parents and professionals. Pre operative and post operative therapy are crucial for these children and the child under goes these until the set goal is achieved. The clinic also looks into pain management cases and appropriate intervention is recommended.
Homeopath doctors visit the school once a week and prescribe the medicine for common health ailments, behaviour problems etc.