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FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES ( Out Patient Department )

Multi pronged family services are offered for the children

This programme

  • Empowers and trains the parent while training the child. 

  •  Is also the first of contact as it houses the Advisory and Referral clinic, where the person with disability is first assessed and a plan for the future is created with the family.

  • Caters to the children, who are not able to access Rehabilitation services like Special education, Physio therapy, Occupational Therapy, Communication therapy on a daily basis.

  • Helps them, who attend once a week or a month/fortnight along with their mother or a care giver.

  • Is for both mother and child, who receive training in therapy, education program so that they can carry forward the same at home.

This programme has helped in :

  • Formation of parent to parent support groups.

  • Empowering parents to play more proactive role in child programme & in handling societal pressures

Children from other states like Telangana, Karnataka, Maharastra & TamilNadu also access the services.


Behaviour of children can be on many occasions challenging. Children with special needs may manifest problem or challenging behaviour as they have difficulty in communicating their needs, feelings etc. The Positive Behaviour Support is an empirically validated approach or model where the teachers and parents observe the behaviour of the child in many settings to identify a pattern. Once the teachers understand the underlying function or communicative intent of behaviour, they teach the desirable behaviour, that is socially appropriate to communicate needs or wishes.These needs may be to seek tangible benefits , to avoid tasks they dislike or not able to perform, to gain attention or to seek sensory stimulation.

The key to a successful Positive Behaviour Support begins with Functional Behaviour Analysis that tracks the frequency, duration, intensity, time of the day and the location of problem behaviour. If we learn the causes of the behaviours that are challenging or problematic, we can plan positive strategies or positive behavioural interventions. Thus through positive behaviour strategies, we can develop appropriate behaviours and continue them in the class, at school and at home.


The parents bring the children, who are enrolled in the Out Patient Department where in all the data is collected about them and a specific programme is given to the parents, who are asked to attend the OPD regularly. We plan the transition for the children from OPD and also from the main stream schools from where we get the slow learners and children with learning disabilities in to the CSE. We also provide referral services by directing the parents to the respective doctors and therapy services. Our school is a Resource Unit where in we give all the required information to the parents, medical and para medical students, volunteers etc..

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