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G. Siva Sai Karthikeya, aged four years and diagnosed with ‘Autism Spectrum Disorder’ has been attending Out-Patient Department since January,2024 regularly. Within six months, his aggressive behaviour, eating habits following visual schedule and toilet indication have drastically improved. Thanks to his mother, who has followed all our instructions with the result that the child is attending inclusive school and is receiving our services in occupational therapy, speech therapy and special education at the Out-Patient Department. Congrats Karthikeya!


Baby Radya Sree, aged 2 years and diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy and Intellectual Disability as the associated condition has been attending the Out Patient Department since November, 2023. She did not have independent standing and walking and used to move from place to place through bottom shuffling. Regular physiotherapy sessions have yielded excellent results for her and she is now walking independently. Consistent behaviour therapy has moulded the stubborn child.She has reduced crying for no reason and is able to follow basic commands. These are the positive results of Early Intervention.


K. Niharshitha, aged 6 years and diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy and Right hemiplegia, used to stand with support and was not able to walk.Regular physiotherapy has improved and now walks with support. She keeps her right hand straight and does buttoning. She holds the spoon and eats on her own. She holds small objects with her right hand. Regular physiotherapy has helped Niharshitha a lot.


Abdul Mateen is diagnosed with Downs Syndrome had difficulty in climbing small heights and balancing his body on uneven surfaces. Now he is able to balance on balance board and walks on the wedge with minimal support and verbal prompt. His dexterity is also improved.


Master Satwik, aged eight years, diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder joined the outpatient department in September 2021. He was not able to express his needs but was responding to his name and to different emotional tones. He was expressing his needs by pulling or taking the person to the object. After two years of speech training at Ambika Sishu Kendra, Satwik is now able to follow two-stage related commands, recognises all familiar pictures and comprehends verb and noun - modifiers. With an expressive vocabulary of more than 50 to 60 words, he uses simple imperatives as a part of play and uses phrases like agent plus action, agent plus object, etc., for his needs. Consistent speech therapy and parental involvement bring a lot of improvement in speech and communication in the children. Thanks to the efforts of the speech therapist!


Niharshitha, aged 6 years and diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy, Right Hemiplegia has shown a lot of improvement in Fine Motor Skills with regular physiotherapy and occupational therapy. Her receptive and expressive skills have improved and she recognises colour pictures of fruits, vegetables, body parts etc..With regular monitoring and training by the special educator and therapists, she has progressed in self-help skills.


V. Harshita, aged nine years is diagnosed with Intellectual Disability. Intensive therapy, training and concerted efforts of the teachers helped Harshita to pick up in language and communication and academic skills. She has also improved in personal, social and occupational skills. Blessed with a sweet voice, she attends music class and conducts the prayer in the Morning Assembly. She goes to the outdoor stadium also in the evenings as she is interested in games and sports. With the parents’ active involvement, Harshita has reached this stage of improvement. Congratulations to the parents and teachers of Harshita! We wish her to achieve many more milestones in her personal and academic areas!




N. Shanthi, aged 13 years and diagnosed with Intellectual Disability and associated conditionof Downs Syndrome is a very active child and has improved in personal, social, academic and occupational skills along with language and communication. She is interested in games and dance. Her parents take a lot of interest in the child. She is trained in the household activities by her mother.



Master G. S. Ranjith Kumar, aged 11 years and diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, has improved in academics and maths. He handles money up to 5 rupees, writes weekdays and answers simple questions. We are very happy that the parents are taking the child to all social gatherings and he plays with neighbourhood children in the playground too. He has improved in social, personal and emotional skills. Mother involves him in domestic chores also.



B. Aditya Singh, aged 18 years is diagnosed with Intellectual Disability. He has good communication skills and is independent in commuting. He does shopping also with list of items with visual cues. His father has opened ‘Pandit Chai’, a shop selling snacks, cool drinks, milk products and beverages. He looks after the shop after school hours. He has a good dress sense and participates in games and sports.



Ms. Rahin, aged 16 years is diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy. The child from the position of not able to walk, not responding to her name, not looking at people is now responding to her name, learnt to sit at one place and has improved her fine motor and gross motor skills. Following simple commands, she has improved in self-help skills also. Her parents are very happy at Rahin’s progress. We hope that the child will be more independent in course of time.



B.Manipaul, aged 21 years and diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, has computing skills like simple additions, subtractions and multiplications. He communicates through speech and takes part in shopping, attending to church independently as he has good commuting skills. Presently he is placed in Physiotherapy department as a special trainee. He leaves children in their classes after therapy, makes them do simple active exercises as instructed by the therapists and follows all the instructions. We hope that he will get the right job suited to his skills at the earliest.



Mr. Mulla Tajmul, aged 20 years and diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy is interested in music.He is learning keyboard and can play all sargam variations and songs such as the National Anthem, Vande Mataram and Birthday Song on the keyboard. We are very happy that inspite of athetoid movements, he is putting his best efforts to learn the keyboard. We are proud of Tajmul



Yashasree, aged eight years and diagnosed with Intellectual Disability, joined Department of Special Education in February, 2022. Presently she is in Primary I B Unit. The non-verbal child, who was able to identify only a few objects and was not in a position to hold the mouse properly but with consistent practice given by the teacher and the determined efforts of Yashasree, she can move and click the objects independently. She identifies colours and shapes in C’n’C software. Being a child with good cognition and regular attendance, she can be trained further. We are proud of Yashasree’s achievements in the computer class. Good going indeed!

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